Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Poor Typhoon is sick

Typhoon has been suffering for the last couple of days of too much gas in his intestines... It seems that he has some blockage there. I feel so sorry for him :( He squeeled all night because he was in so much pain. But there was nothing I could do. He's been to the vet, and he takes medicine twice a day, I don't know if I can give him any painkillers or anything apart from what he has prescribed... :-(
I'm pretty certain it's because of all the rubbish that people throw on the grass. He probably ate a chewing gum, or whatever and now he's suffering. It's not his fault, he is a puppy and he grabs into his mouth whatever he sees because he is curious...
I don't understand how people can litter in a place where you have a bin every 10 metres... Guys, be responsible for your actions!

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